Committed to making the world a better place!

Sustainable Salons

Sustainable Salons

We’re excited to announce our continued partnership with Sustainable Salons!

Sustainable Salons is a network dedicated to reducing waste in the beauty industry.

Through their innovative system, they ensure that 95% of salon waste is diverted from landfills and repurposed into valuable new materials.

Here’s how it works:

  • Plastics are recycled into new products.

  • Metals (like hair foils) and Paper are sold for recycling, with all proceeds supporting OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest, providing meals to those in need.

  • Hair is collected and turned into “Hair Booms” that help clean up oil spills and leaks along our coastlines.

  • Chemicals are safely neutralised at chemical recycling plants and converted into recycled water.

  • Ponytails longer than 20cm are transformed into wigs for individuals battling cancer or alopecia.


Every time you visit us, a small $3.00 "Green Fee" is added to your total at checkout. This fee helps support our commitment to reducing our ecological footprint, achieving Zero Waste, and funding charitable causes.

By choosing us, you’re not just getting great service – you’re helping make a difference.

Thank you for supporting a Sustainable Salon!